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Destiny Review

My review of Destiny. Being not a great FPS player, see if view of the game.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Destiny: My Point of View from a Crappy FPS Player

I'm not a great FPS (First-Person Shooter) player and even worst one on a console.  I play most FPS's on a computer but even then I'm not the best.  Warframe, I just, most of the time, go in the middle and run around like my head is cut off and shoot when I can. So, yeah, I'm not the best.


So now about Destiny by Bungie.  I got a code the first time around for PS4 but since I told myself, "I don't play FPS," I just gave the code to a friend that could give the code a great home.  Since then, I have been seeing how great the game is.  Friend posting on Facebook pics and what they thought about the game which was great.

I then heard about the open beta week from July 17 through July 28.  So I said why not.  I downloaded Destiny to my PS4, and decided to go to bed and let the gigs of data fill up my Playstation 4.  Now, like I said before, I play really bad. LOL.  I bought Killzone: Shadowfall and I just couldn't play it.  I knew about cover and hiding but man I don't know why but I just sucked at even the first area.

I really haven't done too much reading and research of Destiny other than knowing it was an FPS.  I finally got into the game and found out there are 3 classes to pick from: Titan, Warlock, and Hunter.  Warlock sounded great because I always play some kind of magic class in MMO's or really any game.  There are also other races but I choose the Human/Female.  It loads into the game and find a gorgeous scene.  Now, I remember the duck and cover but in the first big room, I forgot all about that, LOL, just run in and hope you don't die.  And of course I died.  Then the next, I took it slow.

What I really liked about the game was the AI and the health bar.  I really like how enemies did the same thing I was thinking.  Duck and Cover.  And so at some points I could just point and shoot when they came out of hiding.  I really liked how the health bar would regen, so I could get out there run around till my health screams at me, then run like hell to cover so I can do all over again.  Now there are "mini bosses" at times that have a shield and a health bar.  Just have to make sure you have a good aim and let it rip till you get into the health bar or just kill it.  Good thing is the enemies don't respawn unless you have waves coming.

The Warlock was a cool class to play.  The beta, if you didn't pre-order, could only level up to 8.  Your melee weapon is an energy force.  Your grenade, I feel, was a little lack luster.  It is an energy ball that when the ball hits the ground it puts an AOE (Area of Effect) that if they are in this field they get receive a small amount of damage.  The enemies just move out of it.  The big skill, which is a high damage energy ball, is a nice skill to use on enemies that have a shield.  If you shoot the shield down some and run in, but not too close because you can damage yourself with your own skills.  Same with the grenade, so don't even step in the energy field either.  I really liked the skill tree.  As you level up, the abilities change like your melee receives the ability to absorb energy for your big skill ability.  I found that I liked the most the sniper gun, but I feel you don't  get enough bullets for it.  I get that it is a secondary weapon, but I wish I could make it a main.

There is an armor system that you can get normal up to armors that have bonuses to it.  They reduce the damage you receive.

All in all, I really like the game and can't wait for it to come out.  It is released on 9/9/2014.  I really like the MMO aspects of the game (To do the open field zones you do need a Playstation Plus account and it will tell you if you need it on zone window).  If you like FPS with a great single player, mixed with multiplayer, you will like this game.  There were PvP but I don't really care too much for it because I just suck. LOL.

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